How`s your attitude?
Solomon said, 'We may think we know what is right, but the Lord is the judge of our motives.' Writer Isabel Wolseley says, 'I'm a placid, get-along-with-everybody person. But that changed when my friend and I had a disagreement. I told her I was right, and why, and others commended me for having been right. The trouble is, I didn't feel any better...I felt worse. “Lord,” I prayed, “You know I was right, so why do I feel so terrible?” I stewed for several days then I sensed His answer. “Yes, you were right, but your attitude was wrong!” I won a little victory in a difference of opinion, but I'd lost in the realm of friendship. I asked my friend to forgive me. She did, and our relationship was restored. These happened several years ago, and know what? I can't even remember what the argument was about. It seemed so all-absorbing at the time. Not now.'
Don't let your need to 'always be right' rob you of opportunities to show grace and allow God to deal with others. To the hard-headed amongst us James writes, 'Be quick to hear [and] slow to speak' (James 1:19 NRS). You must earn the right to speak into someone's life, and that takes time. It also means trying to understand what they're going through; otherwise they'll tune you out. Ask yourself, 'What's my goal? To win the argument? To look good and sound smart?' That's a guaranteed formula for damaging relationships. Paul writes, Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes' (Ephesians 4:23 NLT). Bottom line: when you pay attention to the Holy Spirit He will tell you when you need an attitude adjustment.
Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Titus 1-3, Mark 12:35-44, Ps 88:9b -18, Pr 11:27-29
Weeds growing in the wheat!
Matthew 13, verses 24-30 is an eye-opening parable. Jesus warned that while we are planting wheat (God's Word) the enemy is planting weeds (error). And it's happening in the same field! Why? (1) Because we've fallen asleep. 'While everyone was sleeping, his enemy...sowed weeds among the wheat' (Matthew 13:25 NIV). Wake up! Dynamic personalities and big crowds don't guarantee truth is being taught. Paul warns the Ephesians church: 'After I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock' (Acts 20:29 NIV). (2) Because the sowers look and sound alike. Who are these people sowing bad seeds? Paul answers: 'From your own number men will arise and distort the truth' (Acts 20:30 NIV). Note, they started out right but went wrong. You say, 'Should we pull up the weeds?' No. Jesus said, 'While you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn' (Matthew 13:29-30 NIV). There are many 'voices' speaking today and you need discernment as to the spirit that's at work in them. Think it's no big deal? One degree off course may seem harmless enough, but stay on that trajectory and you'll end up far from where God wants you to be, then realize, 'An enemy did this .'Protect yourself by living in God's Word, staying filled with the Holy Spirit which will 'guide you into all truth' (John 16:13) and surrounding yourself with those of 'like precious faith' (2 Peter 1:1).
Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Soul Food Reading: Jam 3-5, Mark 12:18-27, Ps 75, Pr11:23
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